
Material icons use geometric shapes to visually represent core ideas, capabilities, or topics.

Material 图标使用几何图形来表现核心思想、功能、题目。

Product icons are the visual expression of a brand’s products, services, and tools.

产品图标 :是品牌用来表达服务和功能的视觉表现。

System icons represent a command, file, device, directory, or common actions.

系统图标 :表示命令、文件、设备、目录或者某些常规的动作

Sizing / 大小

Product icons are 48dp, with 1dp edges


System icons are 24dp




Background color


Active icon



Inactive icon



Active icon



Inactive icon


Product icons / 产品图表

Product icons are the visual expression of a brand’s products, services, and tools. Simple, bold, and friendly, they communicate the core idea and intent of a product. While each product icon is visually distinct, all product icons for a given brand should be unified through concept and execution.


Use these guidelines as a starting point to ensure that your product icon colors and key elements reflect your brand identity.


Material icons

Design approach / 设计原则

Product icon design is inspired by the tactile and physical quality of material. Each icon is cut, folded, and lit as paper would be, but represented by simple graphic elements. The quality of the material is sturdy, with clean folds and crisp edges. The matte-like finish interacts with light through subtle highlights and consistent shadows.


Physical prototype / 物理原型

Lighting study / 照明研究

Material prototype / Material 原型

Color study / 色彩研究

Product icon grid / 产品图标栅格

The product icon grid has been developed to facilitate consistency and establish a clear set of rules for the positioning of graphic elements. This standardization results in a flexible but coherent system.


Grid / 栅格

Keylines / 关键线

Keyline shapes / 关键线 形状

Keyline shapes are the foundation of the grid. By using these core shapes as guidelines, you can maintain a consistent visual proportion across related product icons.


Square / 正方形

  • Height: 152dp
  • Width: 152dp

Circle / 圆形

Diameter: 176dp

Vertical rectangle / 垂直的长方形

  • Height: 176dp
  • Width: 128dp

Horizontal rectangle / 水平的长方形

  • Height:128dp
  • Width:176dp

DP unit grid / 以DP为单位的栅格

Android expects product icons to be provided at 48dp, with edges at 1dp. When you create the icon, maintain the 48-unit measure, but scale it to 400% at 192 x 192 dp (the edge becomes 4dp).


Any scaling done to the original will scale the image up or down proportionally. By maintaining the unit ratio, you preserve sharp edges and correct alignment when the scale is reduced.


1:1 Unit grid / 1:1 单元栅格

4:1 Unit grid / 4:1 单元栅格

Geometry / 几何

Preset standards have been determined for specific keylines: circle, square, rectangle, orthogonals, and diagonals. This small palette of universal and simple elements has been developed to unify product icons and systemize their placement on the grid.


Product icon anatomy / 产品图标剖析

Product icon anatomy describes the graphic elements that make up a product icon. The consistency of these elements across icons for a given brand is critical in maintaining a shared visual language. Familiarity with these elements makes it easier to understand characteristics of each logo and subtle differences between them. It will also help educate your eye to recognize the underlying structure of logo designs.


  1. Finish / 完成
  2. Material background / 材料背景
  3. Material foreground / 材料前景
  4. Color / 颜色
  5. Shadow / 阴影

Components / 组件

Each component is positioned on top of the previous one, always viewed from straight above.


Construction perspective / 建设透视视角

An exploded perspective example illustrating the context of each component of the logo construction.


Material background 材料背景

The back-most material element.


Material foreground 材料前景

A material element raised above, and casting a shadow upon, the material background.


Spot color / 点的颜色

Color applied to a small portion of an element.


Flooding / 环绕

Color applied to an entire element, edge-to-edge.


Tinted edge / 边缘着色

The top edge of a material element. A tint is the mixture of a color with white, which lightens the original color.


Shaded edge / 边缘阴影

The bottom edge of a material element. Shade is the mixture of a color with a darker hue, which darkens the original color.


Contact shadow 接触阴影

A soft shadow around all edges of a raised material element.


Finish 磨光

A soft tint above all elements to provide surface lighting, fading from upper-left to lower-right.


Product icon metrics 产品图标指标

Lighting 采光

Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene and allow objects to cast shadows. A top light cast on material elements creates a contact shadow while highlighting the top and bottom edges. An angled light reinforces the sense of surface across the elements.


Top / 顶部

45º angle / 45度角

Shadows 阴影

For a product icon, the top light from above casts a soft shadow surrounding an element lightly on the top and left. The shadow is slightly heavier below and to the right. This shadow is always contained within the icon’s silhouette.


Drop shadow metrics / 阴影指标

  • Mode: Normal / 模式:正常
  • Opacity: 20% / 透明度:20%
  • X Offset: 0dp / x轴偏移:0dp
  • Y Offset: 4dp / y轴偏移:4dp
  • Blur: 4dp / 模糊:4dp
  • Color: Refer to Tint, shade and shadow values / 颜色:请参考深浅、阴影色值部分

Edge tint and shade 边缘的深浅

The top and bottom edges of material elements provide a sense of depth and surface. Material elements have a standard 1dp thickness. All edge distances are measured from an element's interior edge.


Tint highlights the top edge of all elements. The left, right, and bottom edges do not have a tint applied.


Shade darkens the bottom edge of all elements. The left, right, and top edges do not have a shade applied.


Tinted edge / 浅色边缘

  • Height: 1dp / 高度:1dp
  • Opacity: 20% / 透明度:20%
  • Color: White (#FFFFFF) / 颜色:白色(#FFFFFF)

Shaded edge / 深色边缘

  • Height: 1dp / 高度:1dp
  • Opacity: 20% / 透明度:20%
  • Color: Refer to Tint, shade and shadow values / 颜色:参考色调,阴影和阴影数值

Finish / 磨光

The finish layer is a result of the virtual 45º light source. It extends from the top-left corner to the exterior edge of the icon’s silhouette. The finish is always contained within these boundaries.


Gradient metrics 梯度指标

  • Type: Radial / 类型:辐射状

  • Angle: 45º / 角度:45度

  • Color: White (#FFFFFF) / 颜色:白色(#FFFFFF)

  • midpoint Location: 33% / 中点位置:33%

  • Slider 1 / 滑块 1

  • Opacity: 10% / 透明度:10%

  • Location: 0% / 位置 0%

  • Slider 2 / 滑块 2

  • Opacity: 0% / 透明度:0%

  • Location: 100% / 位置:100%

Tint, shade, and shadow values / 色调,阴影和阴影数值

Each color reacts differently when tints and shades are added. The color of every edge tint, edge shade, and shadow needs to be adjusted for each color that lies behind it. To ensure color harmony, follow the appropriate value for each.


Product icon patterns 产品图标样式

Influenced by the behavior of physical material, simple conventions provide a sense of surface and tactility. The interactions of material and color allow for numerous unique compositions.


Color 色彩

Color elements are flush to the paper’s surface.


Don’t embellish color elements with any edges or shadows.

Do / 正确

Don't. / 错误

Layer 层级

Layered paper elements create depth, having edges and shadows.


Be cautious with the quantity of overlapping surfaces. Having too many complicates the icon and lacks focus.


Do. / 正确

Don't. / 错误

Elevate 提高

Elevating a key material element atop a simple background silhouette focuses attention to the center.


Don’t crop elevated material elements within another shape.


Do. / 正确

Don't. / 错误

Score 划线

Scored material elements have the illusion of depth without losing their geometric form. Scores should be centered on symmetrical shapes.


Don’t use multiple scores, or position a score off-center.


Do. / 正确

Don't. / 错误

Fold 折叠

Folded material elements are skewed, having greater dimension. Spot colors should be avoided, so as to avoid altering or misrepresenting key elements.


Do. / 正确

Don't. / 错误

Overlap 重叠

Overlapped material elements create unique silhouettes. All elements, edges, and shadows are confined to the interior of the silhouette.


Don’t exceed more than two overlaps. Having too many complicates the icon and lacks focus.


Do. / 正确

Don't. / 错误

Accordion 手风琴

Accordion folded material elements are adjoined by a connecting fold, used to add dimension to a single material element.


Don’t exceed more than two accordion folds. Having too many complicates the icon and lacks focus.


Do. / 正确

Don't. / 错误

Distort 扭曲

Product icons should never be distorted or transformed. Elements should remain in their geometric form, and not be skewed, rotated, bowed, warped, or bent.


Don't. / 错误

Don't. / 错误

Human iconography 人物肖像

The below guidelines and examples illustrate best practices for incorporating human iconography into your UI.


Form 结构

Construction 建设

Keyline alignment 关键线校准

Keyline shapes 关键线的形状

Square 正方形

Circle 圆形

Vertical rectangle 垂直方向的长方形

Horizontal rectangle 水平方向的长方形

Paper vs color 纸实现,色彩实现

Paper 纸实现(通过现实中的纸进行图标的实现)

Color 色彩实现(只使用颜色进行图标的实现)

Gestures 手示

Construction 建设

Composition 构成

Human icon rules 人形图标规则

Do : Do use simple shapes for background silhouettes.


Don't : Don’t use complicated shapes for background silhouettes.


Do : Do use the correct and consistent human form at all times.


Don't : Don’t use an incorrect human form or add complex details.


Do : Do use curved and straight edges for visual balance.


Don't : Don’t use circular arm terminals nor cropped arms.


System icons 系统图标

A system icon, or UI icon, symbolizes a command, file, device, or directory. System icons are also used to represent common actions like trash, print, and save.


The design of system icons is simple, modern, friendly, and sometimes quirky. Each icon is reduced to its minimal form, with every idea edited to its essence. The designs ensure readability and clarity even at small sizes.


Design principles 设计原则

Shapes are bold and geometric.


Symmetry and consistency of shapes give the icons a unique quality, while keeping them simple and bold.


Simple 简单

Intuitive 直观

Actionable 可操作

Consistent 一致性

Grid, proportion, and size 栅格,比例和尺寸

DP unit grid 以为DP单位的栅格

System icons are displayed at 24dp. When creating icons, it’s important to design at 100% scale for pixel-accuracy.


When the mouse and keyboard are the primary input methods, measurements may be condensed to accommodate denser layouts. For dense layouts on desktop, icons can be scaled down to 20dp.


100% scale 100%比例

800% scale 800% 比例

Dense grid at 20dp, 100% scale 20dp宽度的栅格,100% 比例

Dense grid at 20dp, 800% scale 20dp宽度的栅格,800% 比例

Icon grid 图标栅格

The icon grid has been developed to facilitate consistency and establish a clear set of rules for the positioning of graphic elements. This standardization results in a flexible but coherent system.


Grid / 栅格

Keylines / 关键线

Content area 内容区域

The content of an icon should remain inside of the live area. Content should only extend into the trim area if additional visual weight is needed. Do not place any part of the icon outside of the trim area.


Dense layouts 密集布局

For dense layouts on desktop, icons may be scaled down to 20dp with a trim area of 2dp surrounding the icon.


Live area 活动区域

Icon content is limited to the 20dp x 20dp live area, with 4dp of trim around the perimeter.

图标的内容限定在 20dp * 20dp 的活动区域,加上在周围的4dp的修剪区域。

Trim area 修剪区域

4px of empty space makes up the trim area surrounding the 20dp x 20dp live area.

在20dp * 20dp 的活动区域的四周,有4pd空白区域用作修剪区域。

Dense live area 密集布局的活动区域

Icon content is limited to the 16dp x 16dp live area, with 2dp of trim around the perimeter.

图标的内容限制在16dp * 16dp 的活动区域,在这周围加上2dp的修剪区域。

Dense trim area 密集布局的修剪区域

The 2dp of empty space makes up the trim area surrounding the live area.


Keyline shapes 关键线的形状

Keyline shapes are the foundation of the grid. By using these core shapes as guidelines, you can maintain a consistent visual proportion throughout the system icons.


Square / 正方形

  • Height: 18dp / 高度:18dp
  • Width: 18dp / 宽度:18dp

Circle / 圆形

  • Diameter: 20dp / 直径:20dp

Vertical rectangle 垂直方向的长方形

  • Height: 20dp / 高度:20dp
  • Width: 16dp / 宽度:16dp

Horizontal rectangle 水平方向的长方形

  • Height: 16dp / 高度:16dp
  • Width: 20dp / 宽度:20dp

Geometry 几何

Preset standards have been determined for specific keylines: circle, square, rectangle, orthogonals, and diagonals. This small palette of universal and simple elements has been developed to unify Google system icons and systemize their placement on the icon grid.

预设的标准已经选定了几个特殊的关键线:圆形,正方形,长方形,正交线,对角线。一些比较常用的系统图标 Google 已经统一系统的做了设计开发,也把图标的栅格进行了规范。

Construction 建设

Composition 组成

System icon anatomy 系统图标分解

  1. Stroke terminal / 行程终端
  2. Corner / 拐角
  3. Counter area / 计数器区
  4. Stroke / 行程
  5. Counter stroke / ?
  6. Bounding area / 边界区域

Corners 拐角

Consistent corner radiuses are key to unifying the overall system icon family. A 2dp corner radius is used on the silhouette form of the icon. Do not round the corners of strokes (shapes 2dp wide or less).


Interior corners should be square. Do not round the corners of interior shapes.


Exterior corners 外角

Interior corners 内角

Strokes 笔锋

Consistent stroke weights are key to unifying the overall system icon family. Maintain a 2dp width for all stroke instances, including curves, angles, and both interior and exterior strokes.


Consistency 保持一致

Curves and angles 曲线和角度

Stroke terminal 笔画结束末端

Counter stroke 内部的笔画

Optical corrections 光学矫正

Extreme scenarios that call for subtle tweaks add to the legibility of an icon. Instances where complex details are unavoidable require adjusting metrics.


If optical corrections are necessary, only use the consistent geometric forms on which all other icons are based. Don’t skew or distort the forms.


Complex / 复杂

The paperclip icon in this example is only using 1.5dp of the possible 2dp stroke area to fit multiple curves within the 24 x 24dp icon space.

下图中曲别针图标在24 * 24的图标空间中,使用了1.5dp宽度的笔画代替了2dp宽度的笔画。

Small scale / 小规模

The microphone icon in this example is using a 1.5dp stroke to indicate microphone sound waves within the 24 x 24dp icon space.

例子中24dp *24dp 图标空间中,麦克风图标的声波的宽度使用了1.5dp宽度的笔画。

Clearance 间隙

Adequate space around the icon is needed to allow for legibility and touch.


When the mouse and keyboard are the primary input methods, measurements may be condensed to accommodate denser layouts.


Clearance area 间隙区域

Placement 放置

Clearance area for dense icons 密集布局的间隙区域

Best practices 推荐实例

Consistency aids user comprehension of icons. Use the existing system icons whenever possible and across different applications.


Do : Do use consistent stroke weights and squared stroke terminals.


Don't : Don’t use inconsistent stroke weights or rounded stroke terminals.


Do : Do make icons appear front-facing and sturdy.


Don't : Don’t tilt, rotate, or make icons appear dimensional.


Do : Do simplify icons for greater clarity and legibility.


Don't : Don’t be overly literal. Avoid complex icons.


Do : Do make icons graphic and bold.


Don't : Don’t use delicate, thin stroke weights.


Do : Do use geometric, consistent shapes.


Don't : Don’t use gestural or loose organic shapes.


Do : Do position icons “on pixel” – meaning the X and Y coordinates are integers and do not contain decimals.


Don't : Don’t place the icon on coordinate that is not “on pixel”. Don’t distort the icon by having unequal width and height values.


Human iconography 人物肖像

Human icon anatomy 人物图标解析

  1. Head / 头部
  2. Neck / 颈部
  3. Upper body / 上半身
  4. Arm / 胳膊
  5. Leg / 腿

Full body 全身

Upper body 上半身

Form 架构

Full body example 全身示例

Upper body example 上半身示例

Cropped example 修正示例

Detailed parts example 细节部位示例

Full body 全身

Full body examples 全身示例

Visual Alignment 视觉校准

Upper body 上半身

Upper body examples 上半身示例

Visual Alignment 视觉校准

Contained 包含

Cropped examples 修正示例

Detailed parts 细节部分

Detailed part examples 细节部分示例

Human icon rules 人类图标规则

Do : Do use consistent stroke weights and squared arm/leg terminals.


Don't : Don’t use inconsistent stroke weights nor rounded arms/legs.


Do : Do align elements to simplify silhouette for clarity.


Don't : Don’t crop portions of arms/legs.


Do : Do fully embed elements within a shape when contained.


Don't : Don’t break the container’s boundary with elements.


Do : Do add human elements when they help amplify the meaning of an icon.


Don't : Don’t add human elements when they increase the complexity of an icon.


Do : Do use the most simple shapes to represent human characteristics.


Don't : Don’t apply human characteristics to inanimate objects.


Color 颜色

The standard opacity for an active icon on a light background is 54% (#000000). An inactive icon, which is lower in the visual hierarchy, should have an opacity of 26% (#000000).


The standard opacity for an active icon on a dark background is 100% (#FFFFFF). An inactive icon, which is lower in the visual hierarchy, should have an opacity of 30% (#FFFFFF).
